Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wireless electric-car charging tech

Wireless electric-vehicle charging technology is to be tested in London.
Chip developer Qualcomm says plug-in charging is too "cumbersome" and its tech could lead to batteries being topped up while cars are being driven.
Delta Motorsports E4 coupeTrials involving an adapted version of Formula 1 car designer Delta Motorsport's E4 coupe electric car will take place before the end of the year.
Further tests involving vehicles made by the French manufacturer Renault will follow in 2013.
Smaller batteries
Inductive charging - which involves using an electromagnetic field to transfer energy between two objects - is less power-efficient than alternatives such as charging posts or battery-swapping stations, but Qualcomm says the difference is only "marginal."
"The adoption of WECV wireless electric vehicle charging] technology will lead to a shift in charging behaviour," said Qualcomm.
"Drivers will charge their electric vehicle little and often and potentially use dynamic charging to complement local stationary charging, removing range anxiety. This means that batteries could be smaller with the resulting reduction in electric vehicle cost and weight."
London trial
Delta said it had become involved to help it learn more about the innovation.
Qualcomm Halo carThe firm said it expected it to take a day's worth of mechanical modifications to add the new kit to its test vehicles
"It's very straightforward to add the technology," said Delta's technical director Nick Carpenter.
"We add a vehicle mounted pad which is connected to a Qualcomm controlled unit which in turn is connected directly to the battery.
"We also make amendments to our vehicle's touch screen interface to tell the driver when they are aligned with another pad on the ground to start the process, and if the car is charging."
The trial - which is scheduled to start around November - will see charging pads placed at Qualcomm's west London office, in the east of the city close to the Silicon Roundabout tech hub, and at the premises of the minicab company Addison Lee.
Qualcomm concept videoPowered by TimeXfun

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